FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) - While it doesn't apply to him, Atlanta
Falcons quarterback
Michael Vick criticized the NBA's new dress code Thursday.
"It's a crazy situation," Vick said. "I don't know why people with power would make them dress the way that they want them to dress. Those guys are professionals, but at the same time we are all grown (men)."
When the NBA season kicks off next month, players will be required to wear business-casual attire when involved in team or league business. They can't wear visible chains, pendants or medallions over their clothes.
"I don't think anyone should tell you how to dress, but that is the code and that is what they want and that is what the players have to abide by," Vick said. "I totally disagree with it, but the people make the rules."
I personally feel like Vick is being a bit childish. I remembered as a kid going to Warwick High School football games and watching Vick play. Even in high school on certain days usually game days student atlethics had to dress up. While the NBA dress code might be a little harsh, just like Vick said these are grown men. On average most grown men who make that kind of money have to dress up everyday. They are no longer in high school or college. It comes a time when everybody has to become more professional. The fact that it is a NBA rule he is worried about is a bit odd, maybe he's worried that the NFL will adopt the same dress code. It's time to grow up and show you are a man Michael and not just tell the world you are. Actions speak louder than words. Most people have a dress code at work. Why should sports be any different? Maybe you can get your little brother on the right path before worrying about a NBA dress code.