Wednesday, October 26, 2005


NEW YORK (AP) - Houston Comets forward Sheryl Swoopes is opening up about being a lesbian, telling a magazine that she's "tired of having to hide my feelings about the person I care about."
Since the start of the WNBA, the league as a whole has been picked on by mainly men as being full of lesbians. However, these women do the same thing their male counterparts do but the men never have their sexuality questioned. Either way should it matter if they are good players? Swoopes is a great player shouldn't that be all that counts. She is still a positive role model. Many little girls who have dreams of basketball can learn great skills from her. People should be able to be themselves as long as they are causing no damage to others.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Tom Delay Wants New Judge

DeLay Lawyers Ask for New Judge
Request Postpones Lawmaker's Arraignment

AUSTIN, Texas (Oct. 21) - Rep. Tom DeLay appeared in court Friday for the first time since his indictment, but his arraignment on conspiracy and money laundering charges was delayed pending a hearing on his request for a new judge in the politically charged case.

for more of the story go click http://


Apparently Tom Delay is scared of the judge because he donated some money to a democratic organization. This is the same man who is accused of gerrymandering. Leave it to the good old pals of Bush to pull something like this.

Vick on NBA Dress Code

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) - While it doesn't apply to him, Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick criticized the NBA's new dress code Thursday.
"It's a crazy situation," Vick said. "I don't know why people with power would make them dress the way that they want them to dress. Those guys are professionals, but at the same time we are all grown (men)."
When the NBA season kicks off next month, players will be required to wear business-casual attire when involved in team or league business. They can't wear visible chains, pendants or medallions over their clothes.
"I don't think anyone should tell you how to dress, but that is the code and that is what they want and that is what the players have to abide by," Vick said. "I totally disagree with it, but the people make the rules."

I personally feel like Vick is being a bit childish. I remembered as a kid going to Warwick High School football games and watching Vick play. Even in high school on certain days usually game days student atlethics had to dress up. While the NBA dress code might be a little harsh, just like Vick said these are grown men. On average most grown men who make that kind of money have to dress up everyday. They are no longer in high school or college. It comes a time when everybody has to become more professional. The fact that it is a NBA rule he is worried about is a bit odd, maybe he's worried that the NFL will adopt the same dress code. It's time to grow up and show you are a man Michael and not just tell the world you are. Actions speak louder than words. Most people have a dress code at work. Why should sports be any different? Maybe you can get your little brother on the right path before worrying about a NBA dress code.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Homecoming is Over

Well I made it through another A&T homecoming. But of course I just can't have a stress free weekend. Ok granted I had a good time but it was short lived. Because I lost my class ring. I have had it since my Junior year in high school. Now I feel naked without it. It was so much more than a ring to me. It symbolized that I actually graduated. Many of my family members didn't expect me to because I got off to a rough start in elementary school. I didn't learn to read until second grade. However, I graduated from high school with honors, a member of the National Honor Society, and with a magnet school seal. So when ever things got too hard I could just look down at my ring and be like I can get through this if I graduated. Also was the fact that me and my mom struggled to pay for my ring. We put it on lay-a-way at walmart. So it meant that I actually sacifice to get. I'm hopeful that maybe it's some where in my room but I highly doubt it. I looked through everything at least three times. But it does seem that when you are looking for something you never find it, but when you stop looking for it you find it right away. So all I can do is pray about it. It seem strange that anybody would want a ring with my name, high school name, and the year I graduated on it. But on to some good news. I enjoyed some homecoming events. Except our football team lost again. It would be so much nicer to focus on the students getting great grades than the football players who are barely getting 2.0's. But like any other school all A&T cares about is money. The concert was pretty good. Ciara gave a great performance. She surprised me, I didn't expect her to be able to really sing. But she can and shes a great dancer. She was also the only female to perform so she represented really well. The rapper were quite as great but they got the job done. I however don't agree with a bootlegged movie being played in between acts. So to wrap this up lets just hope my ring turns up.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Homecoming Time

This year just like the past two years have been rough on me as a student. From struggling to just try to get loans, grants, and scholarships for tutution to hoping I could find a cheap dependable car. However, I realize I can't afford one. It's strange how cycles repeat themselves. My mother has never owned a car. So as a kid I was used to using undependable public transportation in Newsport News, VA. When I got to college it was hard to find other students on campus who could identify with being poor. Many of my peers had parents who paid for their schooling, books, cars, clothes, and food. I on the other hand knew my mother would never be able to do the same for me. I maintain good grades. I currently have a 3.5 GPA. I am a member of the honors program at A&T. Yet that doesn't really matter to people who may look at my shoes and make fun of them because they arent the newest. It weird how those students who have everything because their parents spoil them typically aren't the ones making the good grades. They are the ones developing the bad smoking and drinking habits. So every year at homecoming time when I see all these students driving cars, buying brand new clothes, and just spending money left and right is it wrong for me to feel a bit jealous? I knew my mother worked hard and she does her best to keep me and my sister in school. I just want a car. I'm not asking for a new car just something that runs well. I can't want to graduate so I can get a good job. Then I can buy my mommy a car and a house to say thank you for all that she did to make sure I could get through school.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

William Bennet

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. - Former Education Secretary William Bennett on Saturday blamed the news media for distorting his remarks about aborting black babies, saying he had intended to make “a bad argument in order to put it down.” AP

He had originally said that if you abort all black babies crime rates would go down. Don't all people try to apologize when they are faced with a tough consequence. This man seems like a member or the right wing. I wouldn't be suprise if Bush would have made the exact same comment except Bush isn't smart enough to come up with his own comments. He can't even read a speech prepared for him. People like this just use the media as a scape goat to try to keep them out of trouble.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Converge South

I'm creating this blog after a Converge South Conference held in Greensboro, NC. From the conference I learned a lot. But it wasn't really student oriented. I did however, embark on some good conversation towrads the end. Namingly about the digital divide.